Very recently I was asked to setup Nagios to monitor the Lotus Notes/Domino Servers. There were some around 500 plus servers across the globe. It was an all Windows shop and the current monitoring was being done using GSX, HP Systems Insight Manager and IBM Director. The client wanted a comprehensive solution so that they have a single monitoring interface to look at and after an initial discussion they decided to go ahead with Nagios.
This document looks at monitoring Lotus Notes/Domino servers using SNMP through Nagios. I have provided some of the required OIDs and their initial warning and critical threshold values in tabular format. There are many more interesting OIDs listed in the domino.mib file. Also I have attached the Nagios commands definition file and service definition files at the end of the document. In order to use certain checks, some plugins are required which can be downloaded from
Note – I recently found that the required plugins are not available on the original site anymore, so I have made my copy available with this document. You can download the scripts from the link at the bottom of the document.
To start with I asked the windows administrators to install the Lotus/Domino SNMP Agent on all servers and after that I got hold of a copy of domino.mib file which is located in C:\system32.
Next I listed all the interesting parameters from the domino.mob file and started querying a set of test servers to find out if a value is being returned or not. Following is the OID list and what each OID means. Most of these checks are only valid in the Active node. This is important to know if the Domino servers are in a HA cluster (active-standby pair). If there is only one Domino Server then these checks will apply.
Moinitoring Checks on Active Node
Monitoring Checks on Active Node | |||
Nagios Service Check | OID | Description | Threshholds (w- warning, c-critical) |
dead-mail | enterprises.334. | Number of dead (undeliverable) mail messages | w 80, c 100 |
routing-failures | enterprises.334. | Total number of routing failures since the server started | w 100, c 150 |
pending-routing | enterprises.334. | Number of mail messages waiting to be routed | w10, c 20 |
pending-local | enterprises.334. | Number of pending mail messages awaiting local delivery | w 10, c 20 |
average-hops | enterprises.334. | Average number of server hops for mail delivery | w 10, c 15 |
max-mail-delivery-time | enterprises.334. | Maximum time for mail delivery in seconds | w 300, c@600 |
router-unable-to-transfer | enterprises.334. | Number of mail messages the router was unable to transfer | w 80, c100 |
mail-held-in-queue | enterprises.334. | Number of mail messages in message queue on hold | w 80, c 100 |
mails-pending | enterprises.334. | Number of mail messages pending | w@80, c@100 |
mailbox-dns-pending | enterprises.334. | Number of mail messages in MAIL.BOX waiting for DNS | w 10, c 20 |
databases-in-cache | enterprises.334. | The number of databases currently in the cache. Administrators should monitor this number to see whether it approaches the NSF_DBCACHE_MAXENTRIES setting. If it does, this indicates the cache is under pressure. If this situation occurs frequently, the administrator should increase the setting for NSF_DBCACHE_MAXENTRIES | w 80, c 100 |
database-cache-hits | enterprises.334. | The number of times an lnDBCacheInitialDbOpen is satisfied by finding a database in the cache. A high ‘hits-to-opens’ ratio indicates the database cache is working effectively, since most users are opening databases in the cache without having to wait for the usual time required by an initial (non-cache) open. If the ratio is low (in other words, more users are having to wait for databases not in the cache to open), the administrator can increase the NSF_DBCACHE_MAXENTRIES | w, c |
database-cache-overcrowding | enterprises.334. | The number of times a database is not placed into the cache when it is closed because lnDBCacheCurrentEntries equals or exceeds lnDBCacheMaxEntries*1.5. This number should stay low. If it begins to rise, you should increase the NSF_DbCache_Maxentries settings | w 10, c 20 |
replicator-status | enterprises.334. | Status of the Replicator task | |
router-status | enterprises.334. | Status of the Router task | |
replication-failed | enterprises.334. | Number of replications that generated an error | |
server-availability-index | enterprises.334. | Current percentage index of server’s availability. Value range is 0-100. Zero (0) indicates no available resources; a value of 100 indicates server completely available |
Interesting OIDs to plot for trend analysis
Interesting OIDs to plot for Trend Analysis | |
enterprises.334. | Number of messges received by router |
enterprises.334. | Total number of mail messages routed since the server started |
enterprises.334. | Number of messages router attempted to transfer |
enterprises.334. | Notes server’s mail domain |
enterprises.334. | Average size of mail messages delivered in bytes |
enterprises.334. | Maximum number of server hops for mail delivery |
enterprises.334. | Maximum size of mail delivered in bytes |
enterprises.334. | Minimum time for mail delivery in seconds |
enterprises.334. | Minimum number of server hops for mail delivery |
enterprises.334. | Minimum size of mail delivered in bytes |
enterprises.334. | Total mail transferred in kilobytes |
enterprises.334. | Count of actual mail items delivered (may be different from delivered which counts individual messages) |
enterprises.334. | Peak transfer rate |
enterprises.334. | Peak number of messages transferred |
enterprises.334. | Number of mail messages moved from MAIL.BOX via SMTP |
cache cmd hit rate | enterprises.334. |
cache db hit rate | enterprises.334. |
hourly access denials | enterprises.334. |
req per 5 min | enterprises.334. |
unsuccesfull run | enterprises.334. |
Hi there, the .gz file above downloads as a zero yte file – could you refresh the file/link please?
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Hello, this link “” is unavailable, how i can download it? Thanks fo help.
I think i have a problem with the perl file.
Can anyone upload the file please ?
Excuseme could you send me the file pls. I need it urgent to my mail pls
I have verified the link is not broken – I am reposting direct link here.
can you please post the scripts again or send me to mail
thank you very much , but the link is broken
* lotus-monitoring.tar.gz
* lotus-commands.cfg
* lotus-services.cfg
The original site seems to be down, but if you look above I have provided a local download of the files. Download lotus-monitoring.tar.gz which has all the necessary plugins.
The download link is down:
The Link of plugin don’t exit more.
I have fixed the links. Looks like file permissions got screwed up after a recent page.
Hi there.
Could you fix the download link ? . Seems like the files are gone missing again
Are these scripts not available anymore?
Sorry about that, but its working now, it was the wp-cache plugin playing. Somehow the cache directory went read-only and the old path was cached there. It is working now, I have tested it. One thing you might want to note is that the lotus-monitoring.tar.gz will be downloaded as lotus-monitoringtar.gz, but it is definitely a tar-gziped archive, so you need to untar after gunzipping or you can also directly run the tar -xvzf lotus-monitoringtar.gz.
if you could mail them it would be wonderfull …
sorry to inform you that the links are still not working …. :-[
Thanks for notifying me. It was a broken link. I have fixed it now. Please download from the above links.
I tried to download the following scripts. Unfortunatly they are not available anymore. Would you, by any chance, have these scripts
Files and Scripts
* lotus-monitoring.tar.gz
* lotus-commands.cfg
* lotus-services.cfg
if so would you be so kind to send them to me ?